I've constructed the army list for my next 2250 pt Warhammer army. My goal is to get it painted by May 15th, 2010 for the Midwest Rampage - or perhaps a variant that scores higher than its current score of 15 on WPS. It is going to be wardancer focused with wardancer cavalry. I am going to use 3rd and 4th edition wardancer figs, 3rd edition regiment of renown Skarloc's Archers, and convert the dryads using plastic dryad arms and 6th edition metal daemonettes. I haven't figured out what I want to use for the tree kin, but I have both old and new figs. The paint scheme is currently a medium blue tunics, light grey pants, dark brown weapons, and tattooed skin. I am highly considering a winter wolf theme. I intend to go to town on basing and the display base, but haven't got a clear picture of them other than twig strewn winter forest ground.
Wardancer Highborn Blades of Loec, Stone of Crystal Mere, An Annoyance of Netlings 285 pts
Alter Noble The Helm of the Hunt, Hail of Doom Arrow 158 pts
Lvl2 Spellsinger Divination Orb, Dispel Scroll 175 pts
Lvl1 Branchwraith A Cluster of Radiants, A Pageant of Strikes 165 pts
5 Glade Riders Musician 129 pts
10 Glade Guard 120 pts
10 Glade Guard 120 pts
8 Dryads 96 pts
8 Dryads 96 pts
8 Wardancers Musician 151 pts
8 Wardancers Musician 151 pts
4 Tree Kin 260 pts
7 Wild Riders Full command, War Banner 243 pts
Great Eagle 50 pts
Great Eagle 50 pts