Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rodge Podge 2011


I finished stripping figs using Simple Green.  That is one aspect I really like about metal figs is the ease of re-use.

I got the squigs, herders, and hoppers glued to their bases.  Both the herders and the squigs were going to have a lot of issues with ranking up.  So I based a lot of them at angles instead of straight forward.  Also, tilted the long herder pitch forks upward so they could rank up as well.

I also got a good amount of them based with pumice and cork.  I was concerned I wouldn't be able to afford the extra time to use pumice instead of gluing sand.  However, by using pumice, I was able to skip the step of filling in or taping over the gaps in the base slots.  The pumice doesn't sink in to the gaps like sand does.  So, I don't think using pumice added much time at all.

I also found the fig I am using for the tzeentch herald, but more on that later.


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    However, by using pumice, I was able to skip the step of filling in or taping over the gaps in the base slots.
